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TMJ Pain & Dysfunction - Online Course
Pre-course videos
Day 1 - Part 1 (Intro, Masticatory & Neck Muscles)
1- Introduction (23:00)
2- Masticatory Muscles # 1 (Masseter & Temporalis) (17:51)
3- Masticatory Muscles # 2 (Medial & Lateral Pterygoid) (25:54)
4- Neck Muscles (13:14)
Day 1 - Part 2 (Etiology & Muscle Disorders)
1- Etiology of Muscle Disorders (33:18)
2- Myalgia & Myofascial Pain (11:59)
3- Pain Pathways & Referred Pain (29:18)
4- Myositis, Spasm, Contracture, Fibromyalgia (23:00)
Day 1 - Part 3 (Treatment. Modalities of Muscle Pain)
1- Myofascial Protocol (47:08)
2- Physiotherapy (11:19)
3- Injection Therapy (10:05)
4- Pharmacotherapy (8:00)
5- Behavioral Therapy (27:06)
Day 1 - Part 4 ( Splint Designs & Theories)
1- Splint Theories (13:41)
2- Neuromuscular Theory (8:43)
3- Dr. Okeson direct splint (11:39)
4- Michigan Splint (6:34)
5- Splint design based on occlusion type (22:13)
6- Other kinds of splints (5:51)
7- How do splints work? (7:26)
8- Bruxism Management (7:56)
Q & A (14:27)
Day 2- Part 1 (TM joint Anatomy, DDWR, DD management)
1- TM joint Anatomy (27:10)
2- Etiology: Trauma (5:55)
3- Disc Displacement with Reduction (DDWR)- Clicking (19:38)
4- Management of DDWR (28:04)
Day 2- Part 2 (DDNR + other TM joint disorders)
1- Disc Displacement without Reduction (DDNR) (26:59)
2- Degenerative Joint Disease (11:26)
3- Hypermobility Disorders (11:56)
4- Inflammatory Disorders (5:22)
5- Systemic Diseases (10:02)
6- Ankylosis (11:00)
Day 2- Part 3 - TMJ patient evaluation
TMJ examination form
1- TMD patient evaluation - Theory (26:11)
2- Demo of Questionnaire - Practical (21:41)
3- Demo of Patient Examination - Practical (15:47)
Day 2 - Part 4: Occlusion Concepts
1- Occlusion Concepts Intro (25:48)
2- Maximun Intercuspation concepts & problems (25:05)
3- Lateral Excursion concepts & problems (13:21)
4- Anterior Guidance concepts & problems (32:59)
5- Articulating paper (3:42)
6- Summary of my advice (3:00)
Day 2 - Part 5: Case Discussion
1- Deep bite + Headache in a child (7:59)
2- Deep bite + Crowding + TMD case (2:00)
3- Headache in adult (6:00)
4- Deep bite in adults (1:47)
5- Normal bite patients (9:24)
6- Open bite & Surgical patients (6:36)
7- Final Summary (2:48)
1- Myofascial Protocol
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