EQ is now proven to be four times more important for success than IQ. This questionnaire will help you know your strengths so you can build on them, and to know your weaknesses so you can strengthen them and develop an action plan.
It is extremely encouraged that you watch the EQ course before taking the assessment, so you can understand the model better.
The questionnaire that you are about to purchase comprise of 70 questions. Based on your choice of simple or comprehensive, you will either get a one page Brain Brief Profile report that will be debriefed with Dr. Lana Dalbah for 10 min, or if you choose the comprehensive assessment then you will receive two reports, the Leadership report which will be extensive 20 pages detailed reports about your strengths and weaknesses, and the one page Brain Brief profile, plus a 45 min debrief call with either Dr. Lana Dalbah, or Dr. Jihan Hussein who is expert in this field.
Hi, I am Dr. Lana Dalbah
My journey in soft skills training started with the EQ assessment followed by EQ course back in 2014. This course has literally changed my life. I started to connect better with my own emotions and others, to make better more meaningful choices and relationships, and to live with a purpose.
I encourage you to start your EQ journey too!